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- juice4you
- Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
- Just hope can promote the benefit of juices to everyone. Join me at msn/friendster/facebook -juice4you2009@hotmail.com
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- --Care Yourself, Love Yourself ....
- --果汁配方--Juice For Detox, Energy And Skin
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--Care Yourself, Love Yourself ....
Our lifestyles may have become more hectic, but we have also become increasingly aware of what we eat and of the benefits of a properly balanced diet. juices and smoothies provide the ideal solution for busy, health-conscious people, being easy to make and packed with healthful ingredients. they have become popular in recent years, juice bars have opened up all over the world and ready-made versions have appeared on supermarket shelves.
Many people have switched from buying coffee to drink on their way to work to enjoying instead a healthy juice rather than relying on caffeine for an early-morning energy lift, you can enjoy the benefits that a fresh juice or smoothie provides, while getting a good share of your daily five portions of fruit and vegetables.
A juice or smothie can provide a real boost and is the perfect kick start to the day. they provide an efficient way of enjoying fruit and vegetables, and they are often low and free from artificial sweeteners, colours and flavourings, so your body is getting nothing but goodness.
A cup of juice everyday...Why not?
--果汁配方--Juice For Detox, Energy And Skin
Simply delicious, this juice is one of the best general tonics for internal cleansing and boosting your immune system. Both apples and carrots are exceptionally high in minerals and vitamins and are great cleansers.
Most of us can rustle up a few apples from the fruit bowl and carrots from the refrigerator. This delicious but simple combination is a good way to introduce carrot to your juice repertoire if you're not used vegetables juices.
Ingredients :
3 green apples
2 carrots
ice cubes (optional)
Menthod :
1. Scrub the carrots. Chop the carrots and apples into evenly sized pieces and juice.
2. pour the juice into tall glasses over ice and serve immediately, garnished with slices of apple, if liked
现代人过于忙碌,饮食不正常,常用维他命来补充缺乏的维生素及矿物质,却往往忽略补充天然的蔬果,而造成现今许多文明病丛生。在忙碌之余,其实只要简单的来一杯天然的综合果汁,就可以补充一整天所需的维生素及矿物质, 维持好精神,好体力。
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